José Juan Moreso

J. J. Moreso is Professor of Philosophy of Law at Pompeu Fabra University. Law Degree (Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​1983) and Doctor of Law (Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​1988), in both cases with extraordinary prize. He has mainly worked on Theory of Law, paying special attention to the structure and dynamics of legal systems, applying the contributions of deontic logic. His most recent research is based on the philosophical foundations of the Constitution.
He is a doctor honoris causa for the University of Valparaíso (Chile) in 2010, and the Universidad Antenor Orrego Trujillo, (Peru) in 2013. He is also Honorary Deputy Professor at Diego Portals University (Santiago, Chile). At present, J.J. Moreso is co-director of the collection 'Philosophy and Law' of the publisher Marcial Pons, editor of several magazines of his specialty, among them Doxa and Ratio Juris. He has published more than ten books and more than two hundred articles and book chapters of his specialty and has overseen a score of doctoral theses.
Between 2005 and 2013 he was Rector of the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Since 2013, he is the president of AQU (Agency for the Quality of Universities in Catalonia).