
The Chair and Ibero America


A strategic commitment by the Chair in Legal Culture was the decision to accommodate discussion and analysis of common legal problems in the region, enhancing the differences and highlighting the similarities, with the main goal of generating deep reflection that allows each country to seek appropriate solutions in its own context.

Three general types of activity have been proposed:

  • Conferences of Ibero American political or legal studies. A panel of experts will be invited to present, from different perspectives, their experiences and thoughts on a topic, in a way that leads to a serious exchange of ideas.
  • The previously mentioned Ibero American Legal History Portal and Latin American Legal Library.
  • Finally, one of the great challenges of scientific research is encouraging young talent with a vocation and passion for science, in this case legal science. But transferring high quality knowledge is not enough; these talented individuals must join established research groups that will contribute to their comprehensive training.

With commitment to this goal and consideration of the potential of the Chair in Legal Culture, pre- and post-doctoral grants will be offered annually to attract Ibero American students interested in pursuing an academic career in areas related to the current legal culture.

With this grant policy we hope to strengthen links with Ibero American institutions, where the future researchers will come from, and to expand, in the long term, the influence of both the Chair and its sponsors.