Legal culture is currently facing great challenges posed by a changing reality, a rapidly evolving society and often overwhelming and disparate developments in law. So-called globalisation, as should be expected, has had a enormous influence on classic legal traditions, blurring the cultural borders of the past, providing new influences for the various sectors of legal systems, leaving us at a borderline where the road, the methods and the main principles are often not clear.
On line: Estereotipos y Sesgos en el Razonamiento Probatorio
Formación de 4 días. Matrícula hasta el 2/03
Quaestio facti on Scopus
Since mid-December, Quaestio facti has been included in the prestigious Scopus database, a reason for great satisfaction for the Chair of Legal Culture, which congratulates all those who make it possible with their contribution of valuable research...
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