
Legal Culture Library


One of the remaining obstacles to the consolidation of a Ibero American legal culture is the ineffective dissemination of information. In terms of legal research this translates into deficient bibliographic distribution.

In response, and in collaboration with one of our sponsors, the publishing house Marcial Pons, we have begun to compile a virtual Legal Culture Library, bringing together the most prestigious legal works from all over the world and in all areas of law. This will require a large undertaking and require the careful review and selection of work which will then be digitalised and published. These efforts will likely produce a work with great impact in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking legal world.

The library will be for scholars and academics in all areas of law, as well as for students and lawyers who, due to the nature of the profession, need to constantly update their knowledge.

The Legal Culture Library does not intend to be merely a container of large quantities of information. Rather, it aims to select high quality legal works from our culture, from all our countries and all disciplines, to provide legal reference and to make the best of our legal culture available to Ibero American legal experts. The Chair in Legal Culture will be the intellectual director of the project, but the publishing house Marcial Pons will be responsible for its implementation and all its commercial aspects.